Onpatient / Check-in forms
Tatiana M.
Patient intake forms completed through OnPatient should be attached to the patient profile as opposed to the appointment itself. As it is now, patient forms disappear completely if the appointment has been cancelled or marked as a no-show even if the appointment is rescheduled. It is a great inconvenience to re-access the forms in that case. Instead, intake paperwork should be timestamped and added to profile (like the signed consents) so that if forms need to be completed again in the future, clinicians will know when the last forms were completed and be able access them easily if/when necessary.
Otto Shill
Yes! It also leads to the intake forms being sent over and over with each appointment.
We need to be able to delinate between forms we want to be used only once or once each year or once each visit.
Give a option to make Additional Information section in the On-Patient section to be Required in the OnPatient forms. We have built in Dep Screen, ADHD. Social Screening into this section. We use the switch to turn on which ever forms are needs at each visit. But the patients can skip over them. To make them persistent does not stop the patient. Only the provider from signing the note.