Daniel Rosenberg
Curious if Dr. Chrono is aware of the reports that are standard issue with the other EMRs on the market?
Most EMRs come with ~50 standard reports—scheduled patients, missed appointments, charges, collections, rejections, days in AR, etc. etc. These are all missing in Dr. Chrono.
I strongly recommend the leadership team review the reporting any competitor offers and start to build them out for Chrono users.
It's been a BIG shock to discover there is virtually NO reporting in the system.
We may have to leave the platform. Not sure what to do. Honestly in a state of shock to have an EMR with no reporting capabilities.
Having to export everything to Excel then manipulate the information to get the numbers we need for month end is extremely time consuming. With other EMRs we were able to just run a report and it would give me the number I needed. I didn't have to manipulate an excel spreadsheet to get the answer.